Measures per benefit content

To help you choose
the most appropriate NWRM

As NWRM could have multiple functions and co-benefits, you will find here qualitative links between measures and impacts, benefits and policy objectives.

To help you choose the most appropriate NWRM

Code Title Sort descending Sector
F03 Afforestation of reservoir catchments Forest
F08 Appropriate design of roads and stream crossings Forest
N01 Basins and ponds Hydro Morphology
A02 Buffer strips and hedges Agriculture
U05 Channels and rills Urban
F10 Coarse woody debris Forest
F06 Continuous cover forestry Forest
A14 Controlled Drainage Agriculture
A11 Controlled traffic farming Agriculture
A03 Crop rotation Agriculture
U10 Detention Basins Urban
A09 Early sowing Agriculture
N11 Elimination of riverbank protection Hydro Morphology
U06 Filter Strips Urban
N03 Floodplain restoration and management Hydro Morphology
F01 Forest riparian buffers Forest
A08 Green cover Agriculture
U01 Green Roofs Urban
U12 Infiltration basins Urban
U08 Infiltration Trenches Urban
A05 Intercropping Agriculture
N12 Lake restoration Hydro Morphology
F05 Land use conversion Forest
A07 Low till agriculture Agriculture
F02 Maintenance of forest cover in headwater areas Forest
A01 Meadows and pastures Agriculture
A13 Mulching Agriculture
N10 Natural bank stabilisation Hydro Morphology
A06 No till agriculture Agriculture
F14 Overland flow areas in peatland forests Forest
F13 Peak flow control structures Forest
U03 Permeable surfaces Urban
U09 Rain Gardens Urban
U02 Rainwater Harvesting Urban
N07 Reconnection of oxbow lakes and similar features Hydro Morphology
A12 Reduced stocking density Agriculture
N04 Re-meandering Hydro Morphology
N09 Removal of dams and other longitudinal barriers Hydro Morphology
N14 Re-naturalisation of polder areas Hydro Morphology
N06 Restoration and reconnection of seasonal streams Hydro Morphology
N13 Restoration of natural infiltration to groundwater Hydro Morphology
U11 Retention Ponds Urban
N08 Riverbed material renaturalization Hydro Morphology
F09 Sediment capture ponds Forest
U07 Soakaways Urban
N05 Stream bed re-naturalization Hydro Morphology
A04 Strip cropping along contours Agriculture
U04 Swales Urban
F04 Targeted planting for 'catching' precipitation Forest
A10 Traditional terracing Agriculture
F12 Trees in Urban areas Forest
F11 Urban forest parks Forest
F07 'Water sensitive' driving Forest
N02 Wetland restoration and management Hydro Morphology