Working on NWRM requires understanding of a broad range of key concepts. This page gathers definitions for a set of key concepts used when addressing NWRM. It sets a shared ontology, with interlinkages between concepts.
An enclosed body of water, usually but not necessarily fresh water, from which the sea is excluded. (Source: WHIT)
Lakes are by definition water retention facilities; they store water (for flood control) and provide water for many purposes such as water supply, irrigation, fisheries, tourism, etc.ᅠ In addition, they serve as sinks for carbon storage and provide important habitats for numerous species of plants and animals, including waders.ᅠ In the past, lakes have sometimes been drained to free the land for agriculture purposes, or have simply not been ma
It is widely believed that forest soils can function as pollution filters. Afforestation is practiced in rural areas around many large cities as a means of improving the quality of the drinking water supply aquifer by filtering out pollutants. Afforestation may also reduce peak flows and help to maintain base flows.
Levelling longitudinal barriers allows re-establishing fluvial dynamics and ecological continuity. The aim is to restore the slope and longitudinal profile of the river, to restore natural water flows, to allow for the solid transport (sediment) to take place, toᅠ diversify flows (depth, substrate, speed), diversify habitats and related flora and fauna.
Length of time for which the NWRM may fully operate.
LID is a toolbox of site-scale practices that the site designer and developer can utilize to: