Name Type Sort descending Sectors
Alzette river restoration in Dumonshaff, Luxembourg depth
Hydro Morphology
Aquifer recharge in Malta depth
Hydro Morphology
Climate-Proofing Social Housing Landscapes depth
Conservation and restoration of alluvial habitats of community interest on the Liberty Island and side channel depth
Conservation of Mura banks, Slovenia depth
Hydro Morphology
Dyke relocation on the river Elbe near Lenzen, Germany depth
Hydro Morphology
Erosion control by agricultural and forestry techniques and soft hydraulics in the Bas-Rhin depth
Floodbreaking hedgerows in Southern France depth
Flood meadows in the Marais Poitevin, France depth
Hydro Morphology
Floodplain reconnection in the Vallei van de Grote Nete, Belgium depth
Hydro Morphology
Floodplain restoration in the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park in Croatia depth
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Floodplain restoration of the river Slampe, Latvia depth
Hydro Morphology
Fluvial and ecosystem restoration of the Arga-Aragon Rivers, Spain depth
Hydro Morphology
Functional restoration of the valley of Saint Ruph-Glière-Eau Morte depth
Green roofs in Vienna, Austria depth
Habitat Reconstruction in the forests of the Körös Valley, Hungary depth
Hydro Morphology
Holter-Hammrich Area - Flood Protection and Nature Conservation, Germany depth
Hydro Morphology
Jardin des Eaux (water garden) in Fourqueux, a water management system for the city centre depth
Kylmäojankorpi forested wetland, Vantaa, Finland depth
Hydro Morphology
LiveDrava - Riparian Ecosystem Restoration of the Lower Drava River in Slovenia depth
Morphological restoration of temporary watercourses in the National Forest of Chaux depth
Multi-purpose water management development along the Körös-ér, Hungary depth
Hydro Morphology
Natural bank stabilization and riparian buffer galleries along the Odelouca River, Portugal depth
Hydro Morphology
OPTAIN : Čechtický stream catchment depth
OPTAIN : Hobølelva River: erosion, landslide & eutrophication depth
OPTAIN : Tetves depth
OPTAIN : Wimbe River Basin depth
Órbigo River ecological status improvement, Spain depth
Hydro Morphology
Oroklini wetland restoration in Cyprus depth
Hydro Morphology
Rain gardens for the Day Brook, UK depth
Reconstruction and modernization of existing and construction of new reservoirs and ponds in rural areas of Poland depth
Hydro Morphology
Reconstruction of the hedgerow on the Léguer basin depth
Rehabilitation of heaths and mires on the Hautes-Fagnes Plateau, Belgium depth
Hydro Morphology
Removal of drainage ditches on wet meadow on Coat Carriou depth
Renaturation of the Seymaz river, Switzerland depth
Hydro Morphology
Restoration of Amalvas and Žuvintas Wetlands, Lithuania depth
Hydro Morphology
Restoration of a natural floodplain meadow in the Quintarets at Isle-Jourdain depth
Restoration of Coastal Meadows in Matsalu, Estonia depth
Hydro Morphology
Restoration of the Black Marsh of Saint-Coulban depth
Restoration of the Cerny Potok stream, Czech-Republic depth
Hydro Morphology
Restoration of the Gentioux peat bog by clearing and aerial skidding depth
Restoration of the Odense river, Denmark depth
Hydro Morphology
Restoration of Wetlands in the Western Lowland Area of the Dümmer Lake, Germany depth
Hydro Morphology
Restoring the River Quaggy in London, UK depth
Hydro Morphology
Restructuring the effluent web in Italy depth
Hydro Morphology
Revegetation of the Vernie Rouge ski slope in the Alps depth
Revitalization of the upper Drau River in Austria depth
Hydro Morphology
River restoration of the lower Aurino in Italy depth
Hydro Morphology
River Tolka constructed wetland and enhancements, Ireland depth
Hydro Morphology
Room for the River: Nijmegen dike relocation, Netherlands depth
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Rural runoff attenuation in the Belford catchment, UK depth
Hydro Morphology
Slowing the Flow at Pickering, UK depth
Hydro Morphology
Small scale measures under the 'Waters neighborhood Days' in Hamburg, Germany depth
Hydro Morphology
Sustainable stormwater management and green infrastructure in Fornebu, Norway depth
Tullstorpsån rural development project in Sweden depth
Hydro Morphology
Water retention management in the broader area of Ancient Olympia, Elia, Greece depth
Wetland restoration in Ciobarciu, Romania depth
Hydro Morphology
Wetland restoration in Persina, Bulgaria depth
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Wetland restoration in the Senne and Medzibodrozie SPAs, Slovakia depth
Hydro Morphology
Alzette river restoration in the "Am Brill" nature reserve, Luxembourg light
Hydro Morphology
Babina Restoration Project, Romania light
Hydro Morphology
Baixo Vouga Lagunar (BVL) bocage landscape, Portugal light
Hydro Morphology
Barking Riverside Green Roof Ecomimicry Experiment light
Conservation on Lake Cerknica, Slovenia light
Hydro Morphology
Conservation, restoration and durable management in Small Island of Braila, Romania light
Hydro Morphology
Constructed wetland in Vidrare, Bulgaria light
Hydro Morphology
Constructed wetland with reed bed filters near Reims, France light
Hydro Morphology
Cover Crops and No-Tillage in an Olive Grove (Andalusia, Spain) light
Creation of semi-natural wetlands near the Drava river, Slovenia light
Hydro Morphology
Diverse Habitat Reconstructions in the Őrség National Park in Hungary light
Hydro Morphology
Domestic rainwater harvesting in Malta light
DOPPS - Restoring and conserving habitats and birds in Skocjanski Zatok Nature Reserve, Slovenia light
Drainage management in the city of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic light
Ecological adapted stormwater treatment in Kretinga town, Lithuania light
Ecological reconstruction of the Gerai Pond, Romania light
Hydro Morphology
Ecological Restoration of Mata Radeanu, Romania light
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Ecological Restoration of Pochina Lake, Romania light
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Ecological Restoration of Vlascuta Lake, Romania light
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Establishing connectivity in the Ljubljanica river, Slovenia light
Hydro Morphology
Exmoor Mires peatland restoration, UK light
Ezousas artificial groundwater recharge of treated effluent in Cyprus light
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Field margins in Heilbronn, Germany light
Floodgate reconstruction, Slovakia light
Hydro Morphology
Floodplain restoration in the Russenski Lom Nature Park, Bulgaria light
Hydro Morphology
Fortuna Restoration Project in the Danube Delta, Romania light
Hydro Morphology
Germasogeia riverbed artificial groundwater recharge in Cyprus light
Hydro Morphology
Green Borders: Transboundary conservation activities in Romania and Bulgaria light
Hydro Morphology
Green roofs in Geneva, Switzerland light
Holbina-Dunavat Restoration Project, Romania light
Hydro Morphology
Horstergrub sediment management, Belgium light
Hydro Morphology
Improvement of the navigation conditions on the Danube between Calarasi and Braila, Romania light
Hydro Morphology
Increasing water retention through afforestation, landscaping and reducing the stream gradient in Xiropotamos River Basin, Greece light
Hydro Morphology
Infiltration trenches in Kungsbacka, Sweden light
Landscape revitalisation program in Slovakia light
Hydro Morphology
Leidsche Rijn sustainable urban development, Netherlands light
LIMNOTOP: Eco-remediation near Ormoz, Slovenia light
Hydro Morphology
Lippenbroek Regulated Tidal Exchange Scheme, Belgium light
Lunéville, Floodplain restoration and reconnection of hydraulic annexes, France light
Hydro Morphology
Managed Aquifer Recharge in Los Arenales (Segovia, Spain) light
Hydro Morphology
Mire restoration within the Sumava National Park, Czech Republic light
Hydro Morphology
No Tillage Field Trials in lower Austria light
Nummela 'GATEWAY' Wetland Park, Finland light
OPTAIN : Cherio river basin light
OPTAIN : Csorsza, Hungary light
OPTAIN: Dotnuvélè River Basin light
OPTAIN : Dviete light
OPTAIN : Kebele and Szentgyörgyvölgyi valley light
OPTAIN : Pesnica river catchment light
OPTAIN : Petite Glâne River Basin light
OPTAIN: Sävjaan river catchment light
OPTAIN : Schwarzer Schöps River Basin light
OPTAIN : Upper Zglowiaczka River Basin light
Polder management near Altenheim, Germany light
Hydro Morphology
Pollution Treatment on the Glinščica, Slovenia light
Hydro Morphology
Preservation of floodplain forests, Slovakia light
Hydro Morphology
Reconstruction of the Lepiku channel in Tallinn's Botanic Garden, Estonia light
Reconstruction within the Sur Fen Nature Reserve, Slovakia light
Hydro Morphology
Recovery of dried out communities in Slovakia light
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Reforestation in Veneto, Italy light
Restoration of Atanasovsko Lake, Bulgaria light
Hydro Morphology
Restoration of Durrow floodplain alluvial woodland, Ireland light
Restoration of hydrological system in the Middle basin of Biebrza Valley, Poland light
Hydro Morphology
Restoration of oxbows and floodplains on the Morava River, Slovakia light
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Restoration of raised bog Aklais in Latvia light
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Restoration of riparian forests in Bulgaria light
Restoration of river Hermance, France light
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Restoration of the Ernz Blanche river, Luxemburg light
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Restoration of the Sumava peatbog, Czech Republic light
Hydro Morphology
Restoration of the Vesselina river, Bulgaria light
Hydro Morphology
Restoration of the Zlato pole protected area, Bulgaria light
Hydro Morphology
Restoration of water wells in the Miren-Kostanjevica Municipality, Slovenia light
Hydro Morphology
Restoration on Comana wetlands, Romania light
Hydro Morphology
Restoration within the Srebarna Nature Reserve, Bulgaria light
Hydro Morphology
Restoring the Kuresoo bog, Estonia light
Retention pond in Chêne Bougerie, Switzerland light
Revitalisation of riverbanks and connection of hydraulic annexes alongside the Scarpe river in France light
Hydro Morphology
Revitalisation of the Borova stream, Czech Republic light
Hydro Morphology
Riparian forests along the Maritsa river, Bulgaria light
River basin management of the Ill, France light
Hydro Morphology
River floodplain restoration on the Tundzha, Bulgaria light
Hydro Morphology
Sediment capture ponds in the Latvian State forests light
Small Water Retention Program in Forests (lowlands) of Poland light
Hydro Morphology
The Vonarje flood storage reservoir in Croatia light
Hydro Morphology
Traditional terracing in Veneto, Italy light
Urban green roofs in Helsinki, Finland light
Wachau and Danube restoration in Austria light
Hydro Morphology
Water retention spaces, reforestation and grazing management in southern Portugal light
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Water supply and rehabilitation in Nagyszeksos-to Southern Hungary light
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Wetland biodiversity protection in Kamanos Strict Nature Reserve, Lithuania light
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Wetland management on the Burgas lakes, Bulgaria light
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Wetland restoration and remeandering in SPA Dunajské luhy (Slovakia) and SPA Szigetkoz (Hungary) light
Hydro Morphology
Wetland restoration in the Zahorie lowland, Slovakia light
Hydro Morphology
WETMAN - Conservation and management of freshwater, Slovenia light
Hydro Morphology